Three Day Quote Challenge: Day Three

I’m failing the challenge to post quotes on three consecutive days. I’ve been posting them every other day. I was going to make a clever statement about posting these on 3 consecutive Martian days. But as it turns out, Mars only gets 39 extra minutes in a day. What planet gets 20 more hours than us? Whatever it is, that’s the planet my quote challenge is going by. *sigh*

I didn’t plan to choose Taylor Swift lyrics for this. But I’ve been a little sentimental lately, thinking about the past and what today will look like when it becomes the past. How do my kids see me? How do my friends see me? If something happens to me, they will think of me this way forever.

I hear in Taylor Swift’s song this desire to control the uncontrollable. She is pleading to be remembered at her best, to exist in someone’s mind long past her departure, and to still bring that person pleasure or joy even in her absence.

I woke up with this song in my head. So, I’m using the lyrics as my quote for the day.

Say you’ll remember me
Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you’ll see me again even if it’s just in your wildest dreams

-Taylor Swift (from Wildest Dreams)

I was nominated for the Three Day Quote Challenge by A Willful Woman. Much thanks to her for the nudge to post more often.

Books by Julie Roberts Towe

Books by Julie Roberts Towe

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